could you hold me tight中文什么意思

  • could:     (can 的过去式) 1.〔特殊用 ...
  • you:    pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 ...
  • hold:    n. 【造船】货舱,底层舱。 hol ...
  • me:    pron. 1.〔I 的宾格〕我〔把 ...
  • tight:    adj. 1.坚实的;坚固的,坚牢的 ...
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  1. could you help me 什么意思
  2. could you help me find my baggage 什么意思
  3. could you help me place the calling 什么意思
  4. could you help me up the stairs 什么意思
  5. could you hold a moment please 什么意思
  6. could you hold on any longer 什么意思
  7. could you hurry up in the bath 什么意思
  8. could you introduce me to her 什么意思
  9. could you introduce me to sb 什么意思
  10. could you keemy valuables 什么意思


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